
Your mattress is a hotbed for various contaminants such as dust mites, fungal spores, mold, mildew, and other bacteria & viruses.
A quick online search will reveal many scary facts about what kind of bacteria can grow on your bed and how quickly it spreads throughout your bedroom and even into other rooms. It is essential that you get your mattresses cleaned once a year.
Mattress cleaning will rid your mattress of dust mites and their fecal matter, as well as remove stains and odors. You will enjoy better sleep on a clean fresh mattress.

After a professional mattress cleaning from Greenair Healthy Cleaning, you should notice a reduction in allergy symptoms caused by dust mites.
You will sleep easier knowing that you are no longer sleeping with millions of creepy creatures who munch on your dead skin cells while you sleep.
If you have any questions or want to move forward with an in-depth cleaning, reach out to us today, and we will be pleased to help.